The Private Journal of Aille Morangbro

Sunday, February 25, 2007

I am writing yet again, after less than a month. I suppose you might be relieved to hear that, as it is evident that I have not died yet. I was, however, almost fatally wounded by one of my colleagues - Kiyala. It appears that she is on a mission to assassinate me ... but why? It perplexes me, and I am slightly more worried than usual, as she is almost a pure vampire. If her vampiric side were to take over her body ... Well, then we'd have a lot more corpses to bury. I hired a hacker named Spyda today, as I've found that he does very good work in the past. It cost me a fair bit of Gauld, though, as he is a S-rated criminal who would steal from his own mother if he thought it would do him good. Good thing I paid him, too, as I found out a lot more about Kiyala than I would've found myself. I input the data I found below:
Name: Kristie Johnson
Alias: Kiyala
Age: 25
Blood Type: HG
Race: Half-blood; human genome
Clan: Pyre
Employer: Solixis, Pieride
Current Job: Assassin

Sunday, February 04, 2007

It has been - yet again, another long while since I last wrote. I suppose my advisor would be gravely displeased with me had he not passed on years ago. If you're finicky enough as to wonder why I've taken such a long absence from my last message, it is because I am on a "secret" mission for Solixis. My fourteenth, in fact. Amazing isn't it? I've been here for less than half a year, and already I have completed more than what most normally do. Unfortunately, I cannot boast as it is my blood that gives me this ability, and most of the claim can go towards the scientific organization that assisted in birthing me. Anyway, I'm chasing after a couple this time. Emmeline Czarak and Ambrose Derwenshire; two vampires who have been murdering people across the continent. According to Cage, they've been wanted for a while, but Solixis has only started to take interest in the two since they were found to have been accomplices in the drug dealings with Persperia, our top rival in the business. So far, tracking them has been quite difficult. They've been quite successful in avoiding the syndicate, which is why they even bothered to pay me a decent wage of 10,000 gauld in exchange for hauling both in alive. Well, I'll continue my tale the next time I write, as Cage is sending over some files on the two. Unfortunately, I have no more time to waste writing down these petty situations. 'Till the next time I find time to write.